Offensive:Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Likely Labels:book | compact disk | person | poster | table OCR: you ever needed an excuse to head for California, this is it! seer MORE Lisa some century, Ariana very Isis but horny they ve and folks charms got Nikki are lot are Sinn of headed on livin west get and to your lovin pull display, ticket off to op to the on talong, the diamond with cause way the heist Of when like Ann's say More Than a Handful" you said mouthful They're Layin' It on the Line LISA ANN ARIANA NIKKI SINN ISIS NILE TINA TYLER TOY- JONATHAN MORGAN LUC WYLDER JULIAN ST JOX IAN DANIELS AND JAKE WILLIAMS Directee MITCH SPINELL Znst. RGLIS 1353 ample along ride SSIT SPINELLI Bnst RCUS GROUP